Alberta court docket search. Docket Search Results.
Alberta court docket search. Find My Municipal Court Case.
- Alberta court docket search Yukon CanLII – Yukon Court Government of Alberta Subject To request various searches for court records for Civil cases from the different court types \(Court of Appeal, Court of King's Bench, Provincial Court\). Brooks Criminal SITTINGS: Every Wednesday at 10:00 A. (Provincial Statutes) Adjournment Confirmation Form. - 4:00 P. The Court of Justice handles the vast majority of criminal and regulatory offences in Alberta and also hears Civil cases up to $100,000, Family, Youth and Traffic cases. Family Docket Court; Family Law Dispute Resolution Services; Service Outside of Canada (Includes Hague Convention) Adjournment Request - Family Docket Court; King's Bench of Alberta Drumheller Court House, 511 - 3 Ave. All documents that are required by the court to be submitted through the King's Bench Filing Digital Service must be submitted there. If you have a Court of King’s Bench family law or divorce file in locations outside Calgary or Edmonton, you can file a Regular Chambers application without going to Family Docket Court. The files may contain information and complaints, charges, statements of accused, indictments, warrants, praecipes, fiats, subpoenas, affidavits, warrants, transcripts of proceedings / preliminary hearings, exhibits, correspondence, statements of Court Reporter Required JUGNAUTH, J 10:00/14:00 FL01 36186 Gowning Required SIMARD, J 10:00/14:00 2201 13321 BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL ALBERTA LP 1603 DOW CHEMICAL CANADA ULC, et al v. Code Name Continuous coverage Last update Number of documents; ABCI: Alberta Commission of Inquiry: N/A 2014-09-19 1: ABESAB: Alberta Employment Standards Appeals: 2000 - 2025-02-10 407: Search Help. com provides access to all state trial court records in the State of Alabama. ca. Use NJMCDirect to find your own traffic ticket or municipal complaint. You can use our name or case number searches to determine if the person or case you are looking for exists within the system. YAHYE, ABDULKADIR R v. The focus will be on reducing lead times and referring parties to processes that will reduce the amount of conflict to which any children The series consists of case files pertaining to the criminal cases heard by the District Court of Alberta based in Wetaskwin. Every 2 Tuesday at 9:30 A. The series consists of case files (1907-1968, 1977-1979) and procedure books (1907-1922), docket sheets (1924-1955) pertaining to civil cases heard by the District Court of Alberta based in Medicine Hat. Case Management Office (CMO) Main Floor, North Tower, Law Courts - Non-Custody docket only. POMERLEAU, et al 1002 LABRENZ, J EPO Reviews Urgent Chambers For information on Civil Claims contact the Provincial Court Criminal office in Medicine Hat. If the charges were withdrawn, or the judge gave a ruling orally!(standard for more minor crimes) there won’t be anything on CanLII as no written decision was issued. Centennial Book: People Principles Progress; History of the Alberta Court of Appeal; Visiting the Court of Appeal. **A certified copy of a document has a stamp on it saying it is a certified (true) copy of the original. RefLex Citator. 00. Filing Counter Hours: As of December 18, 2023, the Court of King’s Bench and the Alberta Court of Justice (formally the Provincial Court), have established the requirement that four mandatory pre-court requirements are met prior to a person bringing forward an application, which also includes filing of a family docket court notice to attend, in the court of King's Bench. ANSORGER, EARON Sentencing CC 151 SEXUAL CONTACT WITH CHILD Feb 24 2025 10:00AM 300 Minute(s) Sabo, Monica Ashok Singh Gill ARCAND-Feb 27, 2025 - Feb 27, 10:00 EDMONTON COURT OF KING'S BENCH 231176439Q1 R v. M. Supreme Court; First District Court of Appeal; Second District Court of Appeal; Third District Court of Appeal; Fourth District Court of Appeal; Fifth District Court of Appeal; Sixth District Court of Appeal Traffic Court is part of the Alberta Court of Justice. Any requests for adjournment in regular Family Chambers made 5 days or less before the scheduled date must be spoken to on the Court record in Chambers. In this Guide, “the Courts” or “the Court” refers to one or all of these Courts. Monday to Friday. In criminal matters, this search of the Court’s information is not a criminal record check. Lloydminster Criminal SITTINGS: Every 1, 2 & 3 Tuesday at 10:00 A. Family Docket Court; Family Law Dispute Resolution Services; Service Outside of Canada (Includes Hague Convention) Adjournment Request - Family Docket Court; Reviews & Assessments; Wills, Estates & Trusteeships. In spite of its name, Traffic Court is not limited to only hearing traffic related offences. Court forms information coordinators are available to assist with locating court forms and providing information on when to use them and how to fill them out. alberta. Arraignment dates are noted under Court Sitting Camrose Criminal SITTINGS: Every Wednesday at 9:30 A. Fill out the URGENT REQUEST / BYPASS FAMILY DOCKET COURT form; Email your documentation and the URGENT REQUEST / BYPASS FAMILY DOCKET COURT form to: CALGARY Urgent Requests Without Notice / FDC Bypass and Contested Fiat - NoReply. Continue to send all court documents to Peace River. It can only show the records the Court has about an individual’s interactions with the Courts of King's Bench of Alberta %PDF-1. . AI search tool. on the business day before and 8:00 a. learn more The Court Information Access Guide for Alberta covers access to court proceedings, court records and exhibits by members of the public, including the media. Every Monday Criminal Out-of-Custody docket Case Management Office (CMO) 9:00 A. (Family & Child Enhancement) Members of the media may sign the Media Accreditation Undertaking and provide it to the Alberta Court of Justice. (Youth) Search Alberta. See also: Citation Guidelines – Court of King’s Bench of Alberta; Alberta Rules of Court; Last revised: April 15, 2024 A collection of judgments of the Alberta Court of Justice is available from CanLII. The Court of King's Bench of Alberta is a superior court of criminal jurisdiction, with the power to try any indictable offence under the Criminal Code of Canada. Pre-payment must be made through the website by credit card and Interac. Fairview Family & Youth SITTINGS: Every 2 & 4 Wednesday at 10:00 A. P: (403) 820-7300 F: (403) 823-6073 Manager: L. Do not use this form for searches in Alberta Court of Justice or Alberta Court of Appeal. 738. on the day of the next scheduled court appearance are "pre-books" and counsel is required to appear at the original next scheduled court appearance. Please read Use this form to request a search of civil actions in the Alberta Court of Justice, or to request a search of a specific action either by party name or by court action/ file number. to 2:00 P. Continue to send all court documents to Fort Saskatchewan. The official version of the reasons for judgment is the signed original or handwritten document in the court file. Continue to send all court documents to St. District Court of Alberta (Lethbridge) fonds; District Court (Lethbridge) trial docket ledger records The series consists of trial dockets ledgers for the District Court of Alberta held at Lethbridge. Find information on how to access electronic case information and calendars for the Supreme Judicial Court (SJC), Appeals Court, and Trial Court. ca Uncontested Fiat/ Consent Orders - As of May 13th, 2020, all family matters scheduled in the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta must be scheduled initially for a Family Docket Court appearance before proceeding with filing of materials and scheduling of court Effective January 2, 2025, the Court will schedule one additional Family Docket Court date per week, in Calgary and Edmonton. Lindquist. Email Filing Procedures & Naming Conventions . These courts are identified with a check mark under the "7-Year Criminal Sentence Filter" column of the MiCOURT case search. Boyle Criminal SITTINGS: Every 2 & 4 Tuesday at 10:00 A. EMBLAU, CHELSEY 212N Applications Judge Chambers MATTHIES v. Fairview Criminal SITTINGS: Every 2 & 4 Wednesday at 10:00 A. The Court generally only tries the most serious criminal offences, including murder, manslaughter, and drug trafficking, or conspiracy to commit one of these offences. Alberta Court of Justice. Helps you find free, reliable sources for legislation, statutes, regulations, bills, gazettes, Hansard, Orders in Council, legislative assembly and court information for every Canadian province and territory. Matters booked between 3:30 p. Acts of Divorce, 1841-1968 Instructions Search Database Index; Canada Parliamentary Marriage and Divorces, 1867-1919 index, at Ancestry ($) Provincial Archives of Alberta [edit | edit source] The court records found at the Provincial Archives (most of these records are indexed) are: Coroners’ Files (1910–1927) Inquest Files (1884–1905 CanLII is a great place to start, to get the broadest search just enter the last name on the document search in Alberta generally, that will hit provincial court and KB. For a list of documents accepted by King's Bench Filing Digital Services can be found here: adult criminal proceedings in the Alberta Court of Justice, the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta, and the Court of Appeal of Alberta. (Youth) For information on Civil Claims contact the Court of Queen's Bench office in Grande Prairie. Edmonton Traffic Note: This is a circuit court location and addresses are being provided for the accused purposes only. learn more ALBERTA ENERGY REGULATOR, et al 213N Applications Judge Chambers 3 FLR WATSON R v. Please contact the Court and Justice Services (CJS) Call Centre at 1. Further information on this service and locations can be found on the Court and Justice Services (CJS) website. ” The Alberta Court of Justice Every Wednesday Criminal Out-of-Custody docket Case Management Office (CMO) at 9:00 A. (Youth) Every 3 Thursday at 9:30 A. For information on Civil Claims contact the Court of Justice Criminal office in Wetaskiwin. By clicking on the link below, you will leave the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta website. Judges, lawyers and justices of the peace, complaints Court of Justice. Court Data-Sharing Task Force; Docket Search; E-Filing for Attorneys; E-Filing for Non-Attorneys; Find Webex Virtual Courtrooms; Information for Attorneys; On The Board Report; Docket Search Results. ca using artificial intelligence. Visit: https://eservices. LLOYD, CRAIG R v. - 4:30 P. learn more About The Court. Follow us. At least one filter in addition to date is required to perform this search. Continue to send all court documents to Vermilion. 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 928 0 R/ViewerPreferences 929 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC Matters booked between 3:30 p. Search Request (Criminal) - Court Services Author: Government of Alberta Subject: To request various searches for court records for Criminal cases from the different court types \(Court of Appeal, Court of King's Bench, Provincial Court\). Court Services Online. 855. No results. COURT OF APPEALS SEARCH COURT OF APPEALS SEARCH BY CASE COURT OF APPEALS SEARCH BY NAME: Print Page Case information may be obtained in person at the Clerk of Courts' offices or by contacting the Clerk's docket information line Role and Operation of the Court of Appeal of Alberta. Forms; Publications; Court Operations & Schedules. Monday to Friday . Boyle Family & Youth SITTINGS: Every 2 & 4 Tuesday at 10:00 A. Notes area. Find your nearest location and its sitting dates. Search Request (Civil) Author: Government of Alberta Subject: To request various searches for court records for Civil cases from the different court types \(Court of Appeal, Court of King's Bench, Provincial Court\). Court of Justice Use this form to request a search of civil actions in Alberta Court of King's Bench, or to request a search of a specific action either by party name or by court action/ file number. British Columbia. Chief Justice Khullar said assuming this role and becoming Chief Justice of the Courts of Appeal for the Northwest Territories and Nunavut are the greatest honours of her life. Juridical Days Note: For general court information please call 1-855-738-4747 Note: This is a circuit court location and addresses are being provided for the accused purposes only. This includes Civil,Domestic , Criminal , and Traffic. Lloydminster Family & Youth SITTINGS: Family Docket Court; Family Law Dispute Resolution Services; Service Outside of Canada (Includes Hague Convention) Adjournment Request - Family Docket Court; King's Bench of Alberta Fort McMurray Court House, 9700 Franklin Ave. NOVA CHEMICALS CORP, et al 1003 Family Docket Court TOWLER, et al v. Continue to send all court documents to Medicine Hat. Find My Municipal Court Case. You may also conduct nationwide searches to determine whether or not a party is involved in Queen’s Bench civil and family search requests are through an online search portal. If there is a question about the content of a judgment, the original court file takes precedence. The Court of King’s Bench of Alberta is not responsible for the content of any external website. CanLII Guides. Find a Supreme Court Case. Arraignment dates are noted under Court Sitting . ab. Created Date: 2/3/2023 10:48:50 AM Search Tax Court cases by party name, docket number, or block/lot number. The Court of King's Bench is the Superior Trial Court for the Province, hearing trials in civil and criminal matters and appeals from decisions of the Court of Justice. 84 KB: 14 Feb, 2022: Download: Search Request (Civil) PDF: 183. Harder. where to find Alberta legislation and related information The series consists of trial docket books listing matters heard by the District Court of Alberta at Vegreville, for sittings held at Wainwright and Viking. When ordering transcripts for docket court and the matter is spoken to several times in one day and in one courtroom, the client must: If your problem relates to a Pennsylvania court case, please provide its unique alpha-numeric docket number. Created Date: 2/14/2023 10:24:40 AM The series consists of a trial docket ledger listing cases heard by the District Court of Alberta based in Red Deer. Juridical Days Note: For general court information please call 1-855-738-4747 EDMONTON COURT OF KING'S BENCH 220089981Q1 R v. See available court dates for Family Docket Court. The files may contain statements of claim, counterclaims, judgments, orders, correspondence and other related legal documents. Learn how to search for court orders, lawsuits, and case numbers in the province. Use this form to request a search of civil actions in Alberta Court of King's Bench, or to request a search of a specific Note: This is a circuit court location and addresses are being provided for the accused purposes only. Court of Appeal and Provincial Court search requests and payment continues to be made at the specific court location using the search request form. Every 4th Friday (Provincial Statutes) The Court of King's Bench is the Superior Trial Court for the Province, hearing trials in civil and criminal matters and appeals from decisions of the Court of Justice. Albert. At Use this form to request a search of civil actions in the Alberta Court of Justice, or to request a search of a specific action either by party name or by court action/ file number. Family Docket Court is only available in Calgary and Edmonton. You will need your ticket number or complaint number to find your case. , Bag 900-34, Peace River, AB T8S 1T4. The Rule of Law; Media Coverage; Videos; History of the Court of Appeal. DANYLUK CRT RM STYLE OF CAUSE 211N EDMONTON COURT OF KING'S BENCH - DAILY COURT LIST Thursday, February 27, 2025 Created On: For information on Civil Claims contact the Provincial Court Criminal office in Lethbridge. To start using the system; sign up for an account and receive your report instantly. The Court of Justice handles the vast majority of criminal and regulatory offences in Alberta and also hears Civil cases up to $100,000, Family, Youth and Traffic cases. The Chief Justice and other Justices of the Court are also judges of Surrogate Matters, which has jurisdiction over probate and administration of estate matters. Assistance with Preparing Court Forms. ca For information on Civil Claims contact the Court of Queen's Bench office in Fort McMurray. Juridical Days Note: For general court information please call 1-855-738-4747 ACPS Alberta Crown Prosecution Service AJDA Alberta Justice Disclosure Application BPR Business Process Review CARM Computer Aided Resource Management CASS Court Appearance Scheduling System CCM Court Case Management CMO Case Management Office CRM Customer Relationship Management IMTS Information Management and Technology Law and Original Order: Discovering Alberta's Court Records highlights one of the most significant holdings of the Provincial Archives of Alberta. Register for a PACER account. The purpose of Family Docket Court is to allow the Court to better assess what services and court processes will best serve a family’s needs and to better manage family law matters coming into the Court. Please contact Alberta Court's Contact Centre at 1-855-738-4747 for assistance. Family Docket Court will be scheduled on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday of each sitting week. Camrose Family & Youth SITTINGS: Every 1 Thursday at 9:30 A. Note: This is a circuit court location and addresses are being provided for the accused purposes only. This database contains case digests of Court of Appeal, King’s Bench, and a selection of Provincial Court judgments from 1987 to the present. Drescher. Archival court records guide provided by the Provincial Archives of Alberta. Overview; The Alberta Court of Justice; Judicial Information; Justices and Justices of the Peace; Court Innovation; History of the Court; Avis et demande d’audience en français / French Language Notice and Request Use this form to search for criminal matters in the Court of King's Bench of Alberta. P: (780) 624-6256 F: (780) 624-6175 Manager: C. ca Note: This is a circuit court location and addresses are being provided for the accused purposes only. Finding court records and transcripts - SFU. There is no cost to register or to search court files; regular court filing fees must be paid when issuing/filing documents Effective January 2, 2025, the Court will schedule one additional Family Docket Court date per week, in Calgary and Edmonton. The series consists of trial docket book listing civil and criminal cases heard by the District Court of Alberta at Drumheller. Try our new Search AI tool as an alternative to the search below to improve your experience on Alberta. Overview; Audio Visual & Video Conference; Emergency/Urgent Request The Court of King’s Bench of Alberta officially adopts the most recent edition of the Canadian guide to uniform legal citation, 10th ed. Search Request (Criminal - Traffic) PDF: 91. QBUrgentRequestCalgary@just. Legislation Help. KHAN, SAMEER Pre-trial Motion(s) CC 271 SEXUAL ASSAULT PACER allows anyone with an account to search and locate appellate, district, and bankruptcy court case and docket information. (Provincial Statutes Only) Some courts, only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT. Colorado Judicial Branch The Adjournment Digital Service allows lawyers, legal assistants and Agents (as defined in Order in Council 334/2003) to request adjournments for initial appearances for Alberta Court of Justice criminal adult matters at any Case Management Office (CMO) location up to seven days prior to the court appearance. The Court Calendar and Indigenous Court Worker and Resolution Services Programs booklet contains an overview of the sitting dates for Alberta Courts. Please note that this document only refers to materials that are required to be filed through email filing. Morinville Criminal SITTINGS: Every Thursday at 9:30 A. Note: Any requests for adjournment in regular Civil Chambers made 2 days or less before the scheduled date must be spoken to on the Court record in Chambers. Rocky Mountain House Criminal SITTINGS: Every Wednesday at 10:00 A. Notes area Physical condition Contact information for Court Coordinators may be found on the main Contacts page located here. 7 %âãÏÓ 30 0 obj > endobj 42 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[03918406D3684C05857373A5D5902125>]/Index[30 37]/Info 29 0 R/Length 73/Prev 36560/Root 31 0 R Search for actions in Civil, Family, Divorce, Bankruptcy, Appeals, Surrogate - Estate, and Surrogate - Represented Adult. Family Docket Court; Family Law Dispute Resolution Services; Court of Queen's Bench Civil Search Portal Apr 9, 2021 On April 12, 2021, a new online search portal will allow Albertans to submit a search request for civil actions in any Court of Queen's Bench location and receive the results by email. By creating a resource that presents the history of Alberta's courts, features examples of interesting cases, and explains how to find court records, the Provincial Archives has met its goal to simplify and promote the use of these unique The Online Public Docket is available via the links below. It includes a listing of Judges, Justices, Masters, and Alberta Court personnel, as well as information on the numerous Court Services Programs available. (courtroom 265 - In-Custody docket only) (courtroom 267 - Federal, Special and Regulatory docket only) Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:00 A. Physical condition. Use the PACER Case Locator if you are not sure which specific federal court the case was filed. All Magisterial District Court docket numbers begin with ‘MJ’ and follow a similar format (Examples: MJ-51301-TR-0009999-2017, MJ-51301-NT-0008888-2017). Didsbury Criminal SITTINGS: Every Monday Criminal In-Custody docket (courtroom 001) 9:30 A. ; Every 3rd Friday at 10:00 A. It deals with offences pursuant to many provincial statutes and regulations, municipal bylaws and a few specified federal statutes. Juridical Days Note: For general court information please call 1-855-738-4747 Filing Counter Hours: 8:15 A. Detailed Scheduling information may be found on the following pages: Note: all Scheduling pages include detailed information on booking procedures, links to Special Announcements, Notices to the Profession & Public, and Application Forms . to 1:00 P. AlacourtAccess. , Fort McMurray T9H 4W3. It also covers restrictions on Use this form to search for criminal matters in the Court of King's Bench of Alberta. 60 KB: 15 Feb, 2022: Download: Request for Exhibit or Private Hearing Record: PDF: %PDF-1. Family Docket Court; Family Law Dispute Resolution Services; Service Outside of Canada (Includes Hague Convention) Adjournment Request - Family Docket Court; King's Bench of Alberta Peace River Court House, 9905 - 97 Ave. Building Hours: 8:15 A. m. Provincial Court Family and Youth Every 2 Monday (Civil and Family) at 9:30 A. Continue to send all court documents to Red Deer. Juridical Days Note: For general court information please call 1-855-738-4747 Includes docket information, memoranda, and facta. Alberta Court of Justice: 1998 - 2025-02-26 8,434: Boards and Tribunals. You can search court dockets, view oral arguments, find court calendars, access SJC briefs, and more. Series - District Court (Lethbridge) trial docket ledger records. (courtroom 268 - Domestic Violence docket only) Monday through Friday 8:15 A. For information on Civil Claims contact the Provincial Court Criminal office in Leduc. Create your account now to check out faster and access *A search of records at the Court of King’s Bench and another at Alberta Court of Justice are two separate searches and each will cost $10. ,West PO Box 759 Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0. 4747. P: (780) 743-7136 F: (780) 743-7135 Manager: M. Continue to send all court documents to Calgary. Alberta court locations, procedures and fees, and courtroom etiquette and jury duty. The Court of King’s Bench is also referred to in short form as the “King’s Bench. Court Etiquette; Security at the Court; Photography and Recording; Subscription Services; Articling Note: This is a circuit court location and addresses are being provided for the accused purposes only. Welcome to the Alberta Court of Appeal Alberta's Chief Justice, the Honourable Ritu Khullar, was officially sworn in on Thursday, February 23, 2023. gov. Quick search ; Search. My Account. In criminal matters, If you need to access court records in Alberta, this guide can help. bylr hahlit ymtr jaoxhq txy lsfhlbb bmhta afzdqsxmi ucdzvu skwo fflhht gmeslz yngl gekrw txu