Yubikey otp YubiKeyが搭載している認証機能は、ワンタイムパスワードやFIDO2&FIDO U2Fなど、全部で9つ。 W3CがWebAuthとして採用したFIDO2にはYubiKey5から対応しています。 また、そのうち幾つかは2つのスロットそれぞれに別の認 When an OTP application slot on a YubiKey is configured for OATH HOTP, activating the slot (by touching the YubiKey while plugged into a host device over USB or scanning an NFC-enabled key with an NFC reader) will cause the generation of an HOTP. Note : Moving a credential from slot 1 to slot 2, or vice-versa will not otherwise modify it. A temporary non-identifying registration is part of the experience. The tool works with any currently supported YubiKey. For YubiKey 5 and later, no further action is needed. If you want to use YubiKey as a The YubiKey OTP information should look something like this after you paste it into the text box (spaces are ignored): 01231337, 0c 87 99 55 78 ee, a4 d0 93 a9 bd 09 e1 24 e9 17 b6 72 03 56 a1 3b If you wish to import multiple YubiKey OTP tokens, enter each token's information on a new line. "Each slot may be programmed with a single configuration — no data is shared between slots, and each slot may be protected with an access code to prevent modification. It works with Windows, macOS, ChromeOS and Linux. Insert the YubiKey into the computer. These protocols tend to be older and more widely supported in legacy applications. The YubiKey communicates via the HID keyboard interface, sending output as a series of keystrokes. A 16 to # otp is the OTP from the Yubikey otp_is_valid = client. This includes all YubiKey 4 and 5 series devices, as well as YubiKey NEO and YubiKey NFC. 7+) FIDO: 0x0402: YubiKey FIDO: YubiKey Bio Series: FIDO: 0x0402: YubiKey FIDO *The YubiKey FIPS (4 Series) and YubiKey 5 FIPS Series devices, when deployed in a FIPS-approved mode, will have all USB interfaces A common issue when attempting to register your YubiKey with services that use Yubico OTP, such as LastPass, is that the OTP on your YubiKey is invalid. To ensure that the OTP slot is configured for HMAC-SHA-1 with a 20-byte secret, use either Yubico Login for Windows or the YubiKey Manager to configure the key. The YubiKey can be configured to output an OATH Token Identifier as a prefix to the OTP itself, which consists of OMP+TT+MUI. YubiKey in the OTP mode isn't a phishing-resistant authenticator and doesn't use biometrics. Learn more at www. For each Yubico OTP credential in use by the system, there exists an AES key, as well as a private identity. For the Touch-Triggered OTP functions, the YubiKey can hold up to two different configurations. xx). OTP - this application can hold two credentials. It provides a strong level of protection to hundreds of millions of accounts, and has been implemented for decades. This can be done using either YubiKey Manager or YubiKey Personalization Tool. Single-factor (YubiKey only) authentication is not recommended for production use, as a lost or stolen YubiKey would suffice to authenticate as a user. Subscribe Subscribe. Verify a Yubico One-Time Password against the YubiCloud validation servers. FIDO2 on the other hand is more U2F which is extremely strong and one of the strongest methods of 2FA. These codes are monotonic-counter based, and never expire, but are 'invalidated' by Yubico either when it is used or when a later-generated code is used Developers working with the SDK on macOS must enable input monitoring in order to interact with a YubiKey's OTP application. This OTP is sent to the verification server (YubiCloud or a self-hosted server). Changing the YubiKey Configuration to Delay the OTP Enable YubiKey OTP authentication. string. What's this? Here you can generate a shared symmetric key for use with the Yubico Web Services. Yubico OTP is a feature of YubiKey 5 and FIPS Series that can provide single or two-factor authentication without client software. Yubico OTP can be used as the second factor in a 2-factor authentication scheme or on Try the YubiKey in different and realistic scenarios, use it as a second factor or passwordless key. U2F Yubico OTP is a simple yet strong authentication mechanism that is supported by the YubiKey 5 Series and YubiKey FIPS Series out-of-the-box. Your credentials cannot be extracted from the secure The YubiKey supports one-time passcodes (OTP) OTP supports protocols where a single use code is entered to provide authentication. WARNING: Following the steps in this guide will permanently delete one or both credentials stored in the YubiKey's two programmable OTP slots. com YubiKey Proven at scale at Google Google defends against account takeovers and reduces IT And when the i touch it the yubikey enters its salted hash of the identifier and the otp however the websites I am using are not recognizing the string of characters as the 6 digit otp. Easy-to-use, secure authentication With YubiKey there’s no tradeoff between great security and usability Why YubiKey Proven at scale at Google Google defends against account takeovers and reduces IT costs Google Case Study Protecting vulnerable organizations Secure it Forward: Yubico matches up to 5% of the number of YubiKeys purchased on Yubico. verify (otp) After validating the OTP, you also want to make sure that the YubiKey belongs to the user logging in. If you have overwritten this credential, you can use the YubiKey for YubiCloud Configuration Guide to program a new Yubico OTP credential and upload the credential to YubiCloud. Upload. While not possible to fully reset the YubiKey's OTP application to factory defaults, it is possible to get very close. yubico. Is the YubiKey 5 Series right for you? Do you want to authenticate, using passwordless or strong 2FA, across desktop and mobile? Yes: Are you interested in using a range of legacy and modern authentication protocols — i. nonce. Together, we achieved remarkable milestones, launching innovative solutions and forging stronger partnerships – all aimed at delivering the most impactful cybersecurity solutions and user experience Yubikey OTP is based on a shared secret between your key and Yubico. Applications OTP. The secret key can only contain the characters a-z or A-Z and Yubico OTP is a strong authentication mechanism that is supported by the YubiKey 5 Series. YubiKey를 삽입해야 2단계 인증 키를 알 수 있다. This topic describes how to configure a YubiKey one-time password (OTP) in your tenant so you can select it as an authentication mechanism when creating an authentication profile. Yubico Authenticator을 설치해도, 기본적으로는 아무것도 나오지 않는다. The optional HMAC-SHA1 signature for the request. The YubiKey Bio will appear here as YubiKey FIDO, and our Security Keys will show as "Security Key by Yubico". For instance, swapping slots will not affect the functionality, prefix ("cc" vs "vv"), etc. Yes. Easy-to-use, secure authentication With YubiKey there’s no tradeoff between great security and usability Why YubiKey authentication TOTP YubiKey Proven at scale at Google Google defends against account takeovers and reduces IT costs Google Case Study authentication TOTP YubiKey Protecting vulnerable organizations Secure it Forward: Yubico matches up to 5% of OTP application overview. Multi-protocol: YubiKey 5 Series is the most versatile security key supporting multiple authentication protocols including FIDO2/WebAuthn (hardware bound passkey), FIDO U2F, Yubico OTP, OATH-TOTP, OATH-HOTP, Smart card (PIV) and OpenPGP. These are associated with the public ID of the credential, and must be kept secret. 7) FIDO: 0x0120: Security Key by Yubico: Security Key Series (firmware 5. The secrets always stay within the YubiKey. OTP Validation: The server validates the OTP and confirms that it This article covers how to test the factory programmed Yubico one-time password (OTP) credential. (For Yubico OTP challenge-response, the 6-byte challenge must match the first 6 bytes of the decrypted response—the other bytes are ignored. To communicate with the YubiOTP application on a YubiKey, use the YubiOtpSession class. OTP from YubiKey. In addition, you can use the extended settings to specify other features, such as to YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: Security Key Series (firmware <5. All of the applications are available through this interface. I want to self-host my own authentication service, without relying on the Yubikey API. Install the YubiKey Personalization Tool and launch the application. a token with an LCD-display, or a YubiKey. YubiKey的OTP接口有两个插槽(slot),分别可以用来存放两个凭据(OTP、Static Password、HOTP-TOTP等)。OTP密码是长度为45的字符串,前12位是该OTP凭据的ID,后面的是一次性密码。(获取OTP可以打开记事本,把输入法换成英文,插入YubiKey,然后触摸一下金 That is, if the user generates an OTP without authenticating with it, the device counter will no longer match the server counter. Using this application, a YubiKey can be configured with multiple OTP credentials in a manner similar to that found in software authenticators. This lets you demo the YubiKey for single-factor authentication with Yubico One-Time Password. OTP Generation: The YubiKey generates an OTP when a user requests to log in. End users press their YubiKey hard token to emit an OTP to securely sign in to their account. Yubico OTP. Or is the point of the yubikey the idea that my codes disappear when I unplug it from the on computer authenticator app just trying to find out the OATH-TOTP - the YubiKey 5's OATH application can hold up to 64 OATH-TOTP credentials (AKA authenticator codes). The duration of touch determines which slot is used. For help, see Support. Trustworthy and easy-to-use, it's your key to a safer digital world. Setup. Find ou The codes generated are OATH-TOTP codes, a type of one-time password, that are usually six-digits, and generated based on the current time. In the step-by-step instructions below we have covered the basics of registering your YubiKey with services that support the protocols Yubico OTP, U2F and WebAuthn/FIDO2. com Protecting vulnerable organizations Secure it Forward: Yubico The YubiKey supports the Initiative for Open Authentication (OATH) standards for generating one-time password (OTP) codes. Select the configuration slot to program. Unlike a software only solution, the credentials are stored in the YubiKey I'm trying to figure out how to build a feature to authenticate with a Yubikey OTP. Easy-to-use, secure authentication With YubiKey there’s no tradeoff between great security and usability Why YubiKey OTP YubiCloud yubico services Proven at scale at Google Google defends against account takeovers and reduces IT Easy-to-use, secure authentication With YubiKey there’s no tradeoff between great security and usability Why YubiKey authentication authenticator app mobile authentication Yubico Authenticator Proven at scale at Google Google The YubiKey 4 uses a USB 2. 2. Works with YubiKey Spotlight: Expanded partnerships redefining phishing-resistance in 2025 2024 was an exciting year for Yubico and our partners. Yubico has developed a range of mobile SDKs, such as for iOS and Android, and also desktop SDKs to enable developers to rapidly integrate hardware security into their apps and services, and deliver a high level of security on the range of devices, apps and services users love. The YubiKey Registration screen appears directing you to tap your YubiKey device to generate an OTP. A YubiKey that supports OTP. First YubiKey USB token of the FIDO standard in 2014. You can also use the tool to check the type and firmware of a YubiKey. The YubiKey acts as a keyboard, and the SDK needs to be able to "monitor" it in order to interact with I'd argue that if you don't believe a yubikey passing their own cryptographic verification is good enough for "normal" use (as in it hasn't been reflashed, backdoored, keys leaked, etc. 5 seconds) will output an OTP based on the configuration stored in slot 1, while a long touch (3 5 seconds) will output an OTP based The YubiKey NEO has USB 2. The YubiKey is verified. 2. Note. You can add up to five YubiKeys to your account. As Easy-to-use, secure authentication With YubiKey there’s no tradeoff between great security and usability Why YubiKey Proven at scale at Google Google defends against account takeovers and reduces IT costs Google Case Study YubiKeyにはOTP(ワンタイムパスワード)を生成する機能があります。このページでは、Yubikey OTPの初期設定の方法やOTPの種類、Yubikey Managerでの設定方法について紹介しています。ykmanコマンド集もあります。 This section details how to use your YubiKey OTP for authentication with PingID. FIDO도 지원하지만, OTP 정보를 칩 안에 넣어서 다닐 수 있다. During authentication, Yubico Authenticator is used to trigger OTP generation within the YubiKey and to display the OTP code. Services using this method forward the generated OTP code to YubiCloud, which checks it and tells the service if it was ok. It allows Configure the YubiKey OTP authenticator. Easy-to-use, secure authentication With YubiKey there’s no tradeoff between great security and usability Why YubiKey PIV smart card YubiKey Manager Proven at scale at Google Google defends against account In the User Portal, go to Account > Authentication Factors. DEV. An HOTP looks like the following: The YubiKey's OTP application slots can be protected by a six-byte access code. The YubiKey Personalization Tool. The next time you log in, you will see YubiKey OTP as a factor and can tap your YubiKey device for authentication. 1. Enable YubiKey OTP authentication. Provision Your Public Certificate; Next Steps For Yubico OTP, if the decrypted response matches the original challenge that was sent to the YubiKey, authentication was successful, and the user is logged in. Services that use it query yubico to see whether the code is valid for the registered key rather than validating themselves. Systems administrators can configure two factor authentication for SSH authentication using the YubiKey through the Yubico PAM module. The most common way of using YubiKey OTP is combining it with the username and password to gain Two Use a YubiKey to sign in; Troubleshooting; Additional information; Smart Card on iOS. OTP authentication with YubiKey. If the OTP is valid and associated with the same account as the username, the user is logged in. The YubiKey 5 Series is a hardware based authentication solution that offers strong two-factor, multi-factor and passwordless authentication with support for multiple protocols including FIDO2, U2F, PIV, Yubico OTP, and OATH TOTP. To emulate a factory reset, program a new Yubico OTP credential in slot 1, upload that credential to At production: A symmetric key is generated and loaded on the YubiKey. com Proven at scale at Google Google defends against account takeovers and reduces IT costs Google Case Study nfc security key yubico services yubico. To provide similar protection on other servers, the counter/watermark will be replicated. The YubiKey One-Time Passcode (OTP) authenticator is a hardware-protected and device-bound possession factor. x . This means you can use unlimited services, since they all use the same key and delegate to Yubico. Downloads Downloads. However, Yubico OTP, one of the most popular kinds of credentials to put in this app, can be registered with an unlimited number of services. Learn how Yubico OTP works, how to restore it if Yubico OTP is a mechanism that uses YubiKeys to generate and verify one-time passwords. You can verify if you have a valid OTP at our demo website. Yubico OTP can be used as the second factor in a two-factor authentication (2FA) scheme or on its own, providing single-factor authentication. Yubico Authenticator. Yubico reserves the right to revoke any 'vv' prefix credential on the Yubico validation service (YubiCloud) at any time, for any reason, including if abuse is detected or if the credential is loaded ykman otp hotp [OPTIONS] {1|2} [KEY] Program an HMAC-SHA1 OATH-HOTP credential for YubiKey in slot 1 or 2. The Validation server reports the validity of the OTP back to the web service. Stronger hardware-backed security. 509 Certificates; Prerequisites; Overview: Setup Process; Troubleshooting; Import Smart Card Certificates onto your YubiKey. The safest authenticator app experience across mobile and desktop. To enable the OTP interface again, go through the same steps again but instead check the "OTP" check box in step 3. From the OATH-HOTP tab, click Advanced. timestamp. The OTP from the YubiKey. The OTP applet contains two programmable slots, each can hold one of the following credentials: Yubico OTP; HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response; Static Password; OATH-HOTP; USB Interface: OTP. Once a slot is configured with an access code, that slot cannot be reconfigured in any way unless the correct access code in provided during the reconfiguration operation. h. Two-step login using YubiKey is available for premium users, including members of paid organizations (families, teams, or enterprise). The remaining 32 characters make up a unique passcode for each OTP generated. com Secure it Easy-to-use, secure authentication With YubiKey there’s no tradeoff between great security and usability Why YubiKey nfc security key yubico services yubico. If an OTP is not generated, then please follow the instructions here to program a new Yubico OTP credential. The OTP application on the YubiKey allows developers to program the device with a variety of configurations through two "slots. For most configurations, you should be able to use the Applications > OTP menu in YubiKey Manager to accomplish this. ) We now have to upload the key onto a YubiKey. The OTP application comes with: Yubico OTP For critical accounts I use the OTP of the yubikey directly and create a backup of the QRCode in a separated offline password manager encrypted with a very long password that I memorized which is a misture of words, random characters, uppercase, lowercase and special characters, it is not complete random that is why I was able to memorize but otp. The OTP is comprised of two major parts: the first 12 characters remain constant and represent the Public ID of the YubiKey device itself. Simply plug in via USB-C or tap on your NFC-enabled device to Owners can secure private keys with the YubiKey by importing them or, better yet, generating the private key directly on the YubiKey. The first slot (ShortPress slot) is activated when the YubiKey is touched for 1 - 2. Easy-to-use, secure authentication With YubiKey there’s no tradeoff between great security and usability Why YubiKey OTP yubico. By offering the first set of multi-protocol security keys supporting FIDO2, the YubiKey 5 Series YubiKey OTP (also called Yubico OTP or YubiOTP) is a strong authentication mechanism built into all YubiKeys. YubiKey 5 Series – The world’s #1 multi-protocol security key. Limited to 128 characters. 0 interface. Works with any currently supported YubiKey. This can be mitigated on the server by testing several subsequent counter values. Windows users check Settings > Devices > Bluetooth & other devices. YubiKey OTP generates an OTP as a second authentication factor to provide a second layer of security without using a memorized secret. . Insert your YubiKey into a USB port. To get your API key, click here and enter a valid email address along with the Yubico OTP from any of your YubiKeys (click within the YubiKey OTP field and touch your YubiKey's capacitive touch sensor), and click Get API Key. If you’re not sure whether to pair your device as a YubiKey or a security key, then check with your organization’s helpdesk If your YubiKey is a YubiKey 4 or earlier, unplug the YubiKey and plug it back in. Test your YubiKey in a quick and easy way. YUBICO Passkeys WebAuthn CTAP OTP OATH PGP PIV YubiKey OTP: I have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions. We can do this with the `yubikey-personalization-gui`. Timestamp=1 requests timestamp and session counter information in the response. Testing the Credential. A phone can get stolen, sold, infected by malware, have its storage read by a Easy-to-use, secure authentication With YubiKey there’s no tradeoff between great security and usability Why YubiKey Proven at scale at Google Google defends against account takeovers and reduces IT costs Google Case Study Protecting vulnerable organizations Secure it Forward: Yubico matches up to 5% of the number of YubiKeys purchased on Yubico. X. Learn how to use Yubico OTP with YubiCloud or your own server, and its advantages and Learn how to use Yubico OTP, a unique 44-character string generated by the YubiKey, for user authentication in single-factor and two-factor scenarios. YubiKeys can also authenticate using OTPs (One-Time Passwords/Passcodes), but the process is slightly different. of the Yubico OTP credential that comes in slot 1 on all YubiKeys from the factory. FIDO2 is just the evolution of it. Setting up a YubiKey can often differ from service to service. YubiKey Manager GUI; YubiKey Manager CLI; Next Steps; Smart Card Certificate Provisioning. Keep your online accounts safe from hackers with the YubiKey. com: OnlyKey FIDO2 / U2F Security Key and Hardware Password Manager | Universal Two Factor Authentication | Portable Professional Grade Encryption | PGP/SSH/Yubikey OTP | Windows/Linux/Mac OS/Android : Electronics This section details how to use your YubiKey OTP for authentication with PingID. The YubiKey is a hardware authentication device manufactured by Yubico to protect access to computers, networks, and online services that supports one-time passwords (OTP), public-key cryptography, authentication, and the Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) and FIDO2 protocols [1] developed by the FIDO Alliance. 0 and NFC interfaces. To use it, the user inserts the YubiKey into a USB port on their computer when they're signing in and taps the YubiKey's button when prompted. ) probably you shouldn't be using one at all. Any YubiKey that supports OTP can be used. Like all OTPs, YubiKeys generate one-time passcodes based on two elements: A seed, which is a static secret key shared between the YubiKey and the server. If you’re not sure whether to pair your device as a YubiKey or a security key, then check with your organization’s helpdesk Amazon. Similarly to when generating the keys via this UI, select Yubikey OTP, hit Advanced, leave the default settings, but this time instead of hitting the `Generate` buttons, copy the three fields after the serial number from the `ykksm-gen-keys` output into the fields in the YubiKey UI. The NFC interface also supports MIFARE Classic 1k. Storing your credentials on a hardware security key is safer than storing them on a mobile phone. KeePass version 2 (version should be 2. These OTP configurations are stored in “OTP Slots”, and the user differentiates which slot to use by how long they touch the gold contact; a short touch (1 2. OTP technology is compatible with all major platforms (desktop, laptop, mobile) and legacy environments, making it a very popular YubiKey (MFA) A YubiKey is a brand of security key used as a physical multifactor authentication device. The yubikey_config class should be a feature-wise complete implementation of everything that can be configured on YubiKeys version 1. This is done by comparing the first 12 characters of the OTP (which is the YubiKey’s ID) with the YubiKey ID that is associated with the user: OTP: Resetting the OTP Application on the YubiKey: FIDO U2F / FIDO 2: Resetting the FIDO-U2F / FIDO2 Application on Your Yubikey: PIV (Smart Card) Resetting the Smart Card (PIV) Application on Your YubiKey: OATH: Resetting the OATH Application on the YubiKey: OpenPGP: Resetting the OpenPGP Application on Your YubiKey: YubiHSM Auth* Use the YubiKey Manager to configure FIDO2, OTP and PIV functionality on your YubiKey on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. This has two major advantages over storing secrets on a phone: Security: The OATH secrets (account credentials) always stay within the YubiKey. OTP. 즉, YubiKey에 들어간 모든 OTP 정보는 YubiKey에 저장된다. It is also possible to pair some types of YubiKey as a security key for the added security benefits of FIDO2 authentication. Note: 'vv' prefix credentials are not guaranteed to have the same availability as production 'cc' prefix credentials. This module provides an interface to configure the YubiKey OTP application, which can be used to program a YubiKey slot with a Yubico OTP, OATH-HOTP, HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response, or static password credential. Using these secret values an OTP can be decrypted and validated, which ensures the authenticity serial number: A unique identifier, recommend using the serial number of the YubiKey; secret key: A randomly generated OTP secret. OTP, FIDO U2F, FIDO2/WebAuthn, Smart card/PIV? IIUC, the Yubikey OTP method uses a hardcoded symmetric (AES) key that is known by Yubico. All of the applications are available through these interfaces. Convenient and portable: The YubiKey 5C NFC fits easily on your keychain, making it convenient to carry and use wherever you go, ensuring secure access to your accounts at all times. OtpKeyProv, the KeePass plugin that adds support for OATH-HOTP. The page The ipa-otp-counter plugin guarantees that all counter modifications are locally atomic, preventing simultaneous multi-use of the token on a single server. Insert the YubiKey. It offers strong security, business continuity and fast protection for any IT system and online service that uses YubiKeys for two Slots configured with a Yubico OTP, OATH HOTP, or static password are activated by touching the YubiKey. Two-step Login via YubiKey. e. "Works With YubiKey" lists compatible services. No. Click in the YubiKey field, and touch the YubiKey button. However, it seems like their The Validation server checks the usage counters against those from the last valid OTP for that YubiKey; only those from an OTP generated after are valid. Get API key. Please check that YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID or similar appears in one of the following locations when the key is inserted. Private keys cannot be exported or extracted from the YubiKey. otptoken-add-yubikey –desc=STR –owner=LOGIN –disabled=BOOL –notbefore=STR –not-after YubiKey SDKs. The class provides constructors for all The main mode of the YubiKey is entering a one time password (or a strong static password) by acting as a USB HID device, but there are things one can do with bi-directional communication: Configuration. com Secure it The one-time password (OTP) is a very smart concept. This OTP can then be copied and pasted onto a login screen. YubiCloud is a cloud-based service that verifies one-time passwords (OTPs) generated by YubiKeys. Click Set for YubiKey OTP to configure your YubiKey OTP. The YubiKey may provide a one-time password (OTP) or perform fingerprint (biometric) verification, depending on the type of YubiKey Manager GUI will reach its End of Life on February 19, 2026. The second slot (LongPress slot) is activated when the YubiKey is touched for 3 - 5 seconds. Manage pin codes, configure FIDO2, OTP and PIV functionality, see firmware version and more. com. For services that use Challenge-Response, or if you use the YubiKey's static password function, the backup process is similar to OATH-TOTP in that you will program the same credential into your backup YubiKeys. The KSM is the keeper of the individual YubiKey secrets. Then retry the operation. 3 to 3. 5 seconds. FIDO2 authenticators YubiKey 5 Series. Yubico Login for Windows adds the Challenge-Response capability of the YubiKey as a second factor for authenticating to local Windows accounts. This means OTP protocols can work A Yubico OTP is a 44-character, one use, secure, 128-bit encrypted Public ID and Password, near impossible to spoof. Cookies Simply download Yubico Authenticator onto a new device and connect your YubiKey; OTP codes can be generated and credentials can be managed just as before. The OTP applet contains two 당연히 칩에서 OTP를 지원한다. Using the --identifier option to specify: OMP+TT as 4 characters; MUI as 8 characters; full OMP+TT+MUI as 12 The short answer is Yubikey OTP is basically TOTP (though I’d argue it’s a little less secure since it’s closer to HOTP which is weaker as it doesn’t have a time limit). 2要素認証に利用できるデバイスに、Yubico社が提供するYubikeyというものがあります。 Yubikeyでは様々な機能を使えますが、初期状態で利用できるものにYubico OTP(One-Time password)があります。 Yubico OTPは、非常に安全な仕組みだと思いますが、公式ドキュメントがやや分か The YubiKey Bio Series is a FIDO-only lineup of security keys that prevent account takeovers by combining Yubico's hallmark security with the convenience of biometric login, using two-factor or passwordless multi-factor authentication. OpenPGP, OTP; USB-A, USB-C, Lightning, NFC; Now available YubiKey 5C NFC with USB-C and NFC all-in-one to secure online accounts on mobile and desktops; Learn more about the YubiKey 5 Series > For businesses with 500 users or more. "OTP application" is a bit of a misnomer. You need to authenticate yourself using a Yubico One-Time Password and provide your e-mail address as a reference. Adding a YubiKey to a service. I mean, most Yubikeys supported FIDO U2F anyway, the Yubikey OTP was just an extra ability for Yubikey. I've looked through their example yubikey-ksm project, trying to figure out the format of the Yubikey requests, so I can try to build my own. This can be done by Yubico for YubiCloud users or by the user directly. I've never actually used a Yubikey, much less in OTP mode, but I do use a variety of U2F keys, and those use the FIDO protocol. tkteh gyks mjk sdjznf duwushd pphpi okmz egudag ctiqhf htrdknp oodfn snpdm wtrd pjltw odq