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Kubectl scale deployment tutorial. The former is good for learning and .

Kubectl scale deployment tutorial Kubernetes offers various commands to monitor the status and health of your Pods. Looks up a deployment or replication controller by name and creates an autoscaler that uses this deployment or replication controller as a reference. Run the following command in the terminal, to check that the pre-existing replica pods have terminated. We'll start by setting up your kubectl scale deployment my-django-app-deployment --replicas=10 -n=my-django-app--replicas=10: Sets the desired number of replicas (Pods) to 10. Pour ce faire, vous créez une configuration de LAST SEEN TYPE REASON OBJECT MESSAGE <unknown> Normal Scheduled pod/myapp-5dcbf46dfc-ghrk4 Successfully assigned mystuff/myapp-5dcbf46dfc-ghrk4 to g cp-5xldg-w-a-5ptpn. Sign up. To increase the number of pods in your Deployment, use the kubectl scale command, followed by --replicas, and specify the desired number of replicas. Even though we have added minimal information, after deployment, Kubernetes will add more information to the deployment such as resourceVersion, uid, status etc. Scaling Deployments. In this section, we will explore how to use kubectl to scale your applications and ensure they can handle changing workloads. A deployment manages a set of pods and ensures they are running as desired. You can then use kubectl get deployments to view the Scale a deployment. 32. To monitor the deployment, use kubectl to describe the riva-api pod and to watch the container logs. Next steps. apps/redis scaled. TASK 3: Create 10 replicas using Kubernetes CLI commands kubectl scale deployment my-django-app-deployment --replicas=10 -n=my-django-app--replicas=10: Sets the desired number of replicas (Pods kubectl scale. Create a Cluster. Check the deployment. You'll learn how to modify deployment configurations, handle common errors and conflicts, and automate the deployment editing workflow to streamline your Kubernetes management tasks. Sign in. 111. internal 29s Normal SuccessfulCreate replicaset/myapp-5dcbf46dfc Created pod: myapp-5dcbf46dfc-ghrk4 29s Normal ScalingReplicaSet Learn how to deploy a Dockerized spring boot app using Minikube and kubectl. yaml. You may need to run it a few times, as the process can take a few minutes: kubectl get all. NOTE: When scaling Web applications, it is necessary to use ReadWriteMany volumes if A Deployment object lets you specify the desired state of a set of Pods. Performing a Rollback and Rollout Undo. yaml ## Scale deployment kubectl scale deployment nginx-deployment --replicas=5 ## Update deployment image kubectl set image deployment/nginx-deployment ℹ️ If you come across a Kubernetes resource that you haven’t heard of before or need a refresher use kubectl explain [resource-name] to get an in-terminal description and usage instructions. To scale down all deployments within a specific namespace, you can use a loop or leverage kubectl with JSONPath. Ubuntu 22. In this section, it is assumed that a service with type: LoadBalancer is created for the kubernetes-bootcamp Deployment. 04 installation and configuration: ## Install kubectl curl -LO sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl ## Create simple nginx deployment kubectl create deployment nginx-demo --image=nginx:latest kubectl expose deployment nginx-demo --port=80 --type=NodePort <!DOCTYPE html> Objectifs En savoir plus sur les déploiements d'applications. Each of those steps must be done for the tutorial to work. Run the following command to create a deployment named nginx-deployment:. NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE nginx . Cloud providers like AWS, GCP, and Azure offer node group scaling: Kubectl scale deployment is a Kubernetes command that lets you add or remove instances of a running application. Many folks like some flavor of ELK (ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana) or EFK (ElasticSearch, FluentD, Kibana). c. ocp42project. In that case, scale up the number of In Kubernetes, you can scale a workload depending on the current demand of resources. In this tutorial, you created an AKS cluster in Azure portal, deployed virtual nodes on Azure Container Instances using a Helm chart, and deployed a pod onto your virtual node. After running this command, Kubernetes will create two kubectl create deployment –image= Replace with a unique name for your deployment and with the name of the Docker image that you want to deploy. In this tutorial you’ll deploy a containerized Django polls application into a Kubernetes cluster. kubectl get Kubectl scale deployment is a command that allows you to increase or decrease the number of replicas of a deployment in a Kubernetes cluster. We have successfully scaled up our deployment, let's verify the same: $ kubectl get deployments NAME READY UP-TO-DATE Pod example with the most common properties. Note: If you are trying this after the previous section , then you may have deleted the service you created, or have created a Service of type: NodePort. We hope that Extend kubectl with plugins; Manage HugePages; Schedule GPUs; Tutorials. Step 4: Make sure the Kubernetes manifest man kubectl scale (1): Set a new size for a Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller, or Job. Suppose you want to scale the hello deployment to five instances (Pods). In Introduction. The scale of your deployment is configured in its corresponding custom resource. Some key best practices include: Monitor Resource Utilization: Closely monitor the resource utilization of your pods to identify potential scaling issues or bottlenecks. A tutorial shows how to accomplish a goal that is larger than a single task. It provides ReplicaSet which is used to run a desired number of pods on any given time . Check out some of the example kubectl commands below to get started. # Increase the number of replicas for the deployment kubectl scale deployment my-container --replicas = 3 # Scale the deployment back to one pod kubectl scale deployment my-container --replicas = 1 # List on which node the pod is running kubectl get pods -o wide # Shell output: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS Introduction. Depending on the number of models, the initial model deployment could take an hour or more. You'll learn how to access containers, execute commands, and explore common use cases and troubleshooting techniques for managing your Kubernetes workloads more effectively. In this context, an application instance – also known as a replica – is a copy of a running pod. kubectl get deployments -n deployment-demo. Working imperatively . Vous allez apprendre à effectuer les actions suivantes : Mettez à l’échelle les nœuds Kubernetes is an orchestration tool used to scale , deploy and manage the containerized application. Here’s an example using a loop: Replace <namespace> with your target namespace. In this tutorial you will learn: How to scale a deployment up or down in Kubernetes; How to get information on deployment Manual scaling is the process of manually adjusting the number of replicas in a Deployment. By understanding deployment strategies, scaling techniques, and restart mechanisms, readers will gain practical knowledge to effectively orchestrate and Use the kubectl scale command to scale the deployment or StatefulSet, if available. This will create the my-deployment Deployment and its associated ReplicaSets and Pods. Similarly, you can scale down the replica count as needed: kubectl scale --replicas=4 deployment/my-app . Open in app. 61 104. By understanding the basics of Kubernetes Deployments, including their architecture and lifecycle management capabilities, you can You are doing the correct action; traditionally the scale verb is applied just to the resource name, as in kubectl scale deploy my-awesome-deployment --replicas=0, which removes the need to always point at the specific file that describes that deployment, but there's nothing wrong (that I know of) with using the file if that is more convenient for you. Kubernetes provides the kubectl command-line tool as the primary interface for interacting with the Kubernetes API and managing your applications. Advanced Scaling Techniques Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) Kubernetes HPA dynamically adjusts pod replicas based on observed CPU utilization and custom metrics, enabling Introduction. Helping millions of developers easily build, test, manage, and scale applications of any size - faster than ever before. Monitoring Pods. Use Versioned Images: Always use specific image versions to avoid unexpected updates. kubectl autoscale . Scale It is used to scale the number of replicas (pod) in the Deployment. Improve this answer. In this section, we will learn to troubleshoot Kubernetes objects (Pods, Deployments, Statefulset, cluster components, etc). Using a Service to Expose Your App; Scale Your App In our previous tutorial we used a Deployment object to deploy a stateless application. 3. yaml or kubectl apply -f pod-file. The project/my-deployment at the end is to specify the name of the $ kubectl scale --replicas=1 --all deployment -n scaling-demo deployment. us-central1-a. Set Resource Limits: Define resource requests and limits for containers to optimize cluster resource utilization. In this section, we'll explore common problems This page contains a list of commonly used kubectl commands and flags. When working with Kubernetes scaling, it's important to follow best practices to ensure the reliability and efficiency of your applications. For example, we can change the image version, then reapply it: kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment. When you create a Deployment, you'll need to specify the container To create a deployment on Ubuntu 22. To check this, enter: kubectl get deployment kubectl create -f deployment. yaml ## Check deployment status kubectl get deployments ## View deployment details kubectl scale --replicas=8 deployment/my-app. kubectl delete Scaling Applications with kubectl. Now you kubectl autoscale. Monitor Health: Use liveness and readiness probes to ensure application health. This command will create a new Deployment with a single Nginx pod. Finally, let’s create a service to expose the deployment: kubectl create -f services/auth. Kubernetes enable you to pause a Deployment. An autoscaler can automatically increase or decrease number of pods deployed kubectl describe deployment my-app kubectl logs -l app=my-app Deployment Management Commands. If --current-replicas or --resource-version is specified, it is validated before the scale is a This tutorial will guide you through setting up a K3s cluster with one master node and two worker Skip to content Powered by You can manually scale the number of replicas in a deployment using the kubectl scale Deploy the my-deployment Deployment: kubectl apply -f my-deployment. When you scale a workload, you can either increase or decrease the number of replicas managed by the workload, or adjust the resources available to the replicas in-place. How to Troubleshoot Kubernetes Pods; Kubernetes Application Deployment Tutorials. . Share. scale: scale is used to adjust the number of replicas of a Kubernetes Deployment Basics Introduction to Kubernetes Deployment. Déploiements Kubernetes Une fois que vous avez un cluster Kubernetes en cours d'exécution, vous pouvez déployer vos applications conteneurisées par dessus. This allows your cluster to react to changes in resource demand more elastically and efficiently. 1. The kubectl apply command is a powerful tool for managing Kubernetes resources, but it can sometimes encounter issues that require troubleshooting. You also learned how to check the status of your deployment and Pods using the kubectl get and Should you manually scale a Deployment, example via kubectl scale deployment deployment --replicas=X, and then you update that Deployment based on a manifest (for Learn essential kubectl scaling techniques to dynamically manage pod replicas, optimize resource allocation, and improve application performance in Kubernetes clusters. Creates an autoscaler that automatically chooses and sets the number of pods that run in a kubernetes cluster. Description. Follow answered Oct 19, 2022 at ## Scale down the deployment to 0 replicas kubectl scale deployment my-app --replicas=0 ## Scale up the deployment to the desired number of replicas kubectl scale deployment my-app --replicas=3; These recovery strategies can help you quickly get your application back to a healthy state after a deployment failure. Mastodon. This can be done using the kubectl scale command: ## Scale the Deployment to 5 replicas kubectl scale deployment my-app --replicas=5. The Helm chart runs two containers in order: a riva-model-init container that downloads and deploys the models, followed by a riva-speech-api container to start the speech service API. This means that Kubernetes will adjust the number of Pods in the The kubectl command with the scale subcommand is used to scale the number of pods within a Kubernetes resource, such as a deployment or StatefulSet. With manual scaling, an administrator determines exactly how many pod replicas are needed at any point rather than relying on automation. It’s important to Using the scale argument with kubectl, we can scale our deployments up or down and specify the number of replicas we wish for the In this tutorial, you learned how to use the kubectl scale command to adjust the number of replicas of your deployment. You should Horizontal Scaling: Apply the kubectl scale command to manually alter the number of pod replicas in response to changing workload needs. Django is a powerful web framework that can help you get your Python application off the ground quickly. yaml ## View deployments kubectl get deployments ## Describe a specific deployment kubectl describe deployment nginx-deployment ## Scale a deployment kubectl scale deployment nginx-deployment --replicas=5 ## Update This section of the Kubernetes documentation contains tutorials. Modifying the Deployment will automatically detect the required changes and scale the ReplicaSet as ## Create deployment kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment. You can check it by describing the deployment in YAML format using the ## Scale deployment to zero kubectl scale deployment zero-scale-app --replicas=0 ## Scale deployment back to desired replicas kubectl scale deployment zero-scale-app --replicas=2. Write. kubectl rollout pause deployment/<deployment-name> Pause a deployment rollout. kubectl scale deployment/my-deployment --replicas=5 Vertical Scaling : For the purpose of to optimize resource allocation based on performance requires, each pod's resource requests and limitations can be manually Auto-scale a deployment, replica set, stateful set, or replication controller. This will scale the deployment to have 5 replicas (Pods) running. yaml ## Scale deployment kubectl scale deployment nginx-deployment --replicas=5 ## Update deployment image kubectl set image deployment/nginx-deployment nginx=nginx:1. You can then make adjustments to the Deployment and resume it. This tutorial will guide you through the process of using the kubectl exec command to run commands inside Kubernetes containers. Creates an autoscaler that automatically chooses and sets the number of pods that run in a Kubernetes cluster. 1 <none> 443/TCP 3m bootcamp 10. Scaling up increases the number of members and/or shards in the deployment, thereby improving your deployment's redundancy and availability. In this tutorial, kubectl scale statefulsets ss-csi-scw --replicas=0. Scale a In this tutorial, we are going to make use of a Kubernetes cluster from Google Cloud (GCP) I already have an account on Google Cloud, so creating a cluster will be easy. In this guide, I will first discuss what Kubernetes is. Create a Deployment and Scale Replicas. The former is good for learning and This tutorial consists of 1-2 sentences of descriptions followed by a command to run. Typically a tutorial has several sections, each of which has a sequence of steps. Eric Paris Jan 2015. Kubernetes provides several commands for managing Deployments: kubectl apply: Apply or update a Deployment configuration. Follow the steps in the tutorial and deploy more application using Kubernetes in order to understand the process of deployment better. kubectl scale deployment nginx-deployment --replicas = 5. kubectl rollout resume In this tutorial will show the process of deploying your first application on Kubernetes step by step. Horizontal scaling means that the response to increased load is to deploy more Pods. Resources can be “scaled out,” which means increasing the number of replicas to handle the increased load, or “scaled in,” which means decreasing the number of replicas when the load decreases, allowing you to free up kubectl scale deployment my-app --replicas=5 Scaling Best Practices. apps/nginx scaled deployment. A deployment is a Kubernetes resource that manages a set of replicas kubectl scale. kubectl scale Synopsis. Kubectl uses the Kubernetes API to interact with the cluster. If –current-replicas or –resource-version is specified, it is validated before Troubleshooting kubectl apply Issues. To verify that the deployment has been scaled, list all deployments: # kubectl get deployments. Practical Example: Basic Deployment. 04, use the following kubectl commands: ## Create deployment kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment. Synopsis. Set a new size for a Replication Controller, Job, or Deployment. To deploy a single Pod, you should run kubectl create pod-file. If –current-replicas or –resource-version is specified, it is validated before the scale is attempted kubectl describe pods demo-pod. An Syntax-> kubectl rollout restart deployment <deployment-name> C:\Users\Sanoj> kubectl rollout restart deployment my-deployment. Scale also allows users to specify one or more preconditions for the scale action. If you don't have multiple front-end pods, scale the azure-vote-front deployment as follows: kubectl scale --replicas=3 deployment/azure-vote-front To update the application, use the kubectl set command. Looks up a deployment, replica set, stateful set, or replication controller by name and creates an autoscaler that uses the given resource as a reference. Kubernetes provides Synopsis Creates an autoscaler that automatically chooses and sets the number of pods that run in a Kubernetes cluster. kubectl scale: Scale the number of replicas in a Deployment. When working in Kubernetes environments your tasks are many, anything from deploying new apps, troubleshooting faulty resources, inspecting usage, ## Create deployment kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment. This will show you the Deployments in your cluster, including the my-deployment Deployment. com < pod-name > -- ## Check service endpoints kubectl get endpoints ## Inspect network policies kubectl get networkpolicy Resource Constraint Analysis ## View resource consumption kubectl top pods ## Detailed resource metrics kubectl describe node Advanced Debugging Techniques Kubernetes or K8s is an open-sourced container orchestration technology that is used for automating the manual processes of deploying, managing and scaling applications by the help of containers. It includes several convenient features like an object-relational mapper, user authentication, and a customizable administrative interface for your application. You can do this easily using the kubectl scale command: kubectl scale deployment hello --replicas=5 Create a deployment: kubectl scale deployment <name> --replicas=<n> Scale a deployment: kubectl set image deployment/<name> <container>=<image> Update container image: kubectl rollout status deployment/<name> Check the status of a rollout: kubectl rollout history deployment/<name> View rollout history: kubectl rollout undo deployment/<name> This comprehensive tutorial explores the fundamental concepts of Kubernetes deployments, providing developers and DevOps professionals with in-depth insights into managing containerized applications. apps/nginx scaled. Kubectl Rollout Pause. If you have not deleted the Service created in the To scale up our app, enter: kubectl scale --replicas=3 deployment/hello-node This will set our program to maintain a state of three running instances of the hello-node pod rather than just one. Essential kubectl commands for managing Deployments: ## Create a deployment kubectl apply -f deployment. To scale a Deployment, you can use the kubectl HorizontalPodAutoscaler Walkthrough. Verify that the Deployment has been created: kubectl get deployments. Rolling Back: If an update does not work, we can go back to the old version: kubectl rollout undo deployment/nginx You can create and manage a Deployment by using the Kubernetes command line interface, Kubectl. Both commands are quite similar, but in To get the pods created inside a namespace kubectl get pods -n=my-django-app. You'll learn how to effectively manage the scaling of deployments, replicasets, and statefulsets, as well as explore advanced scaling strategies to ensure your applications can handle changes in workload and Manual scaling in Kubernetes includes using commands like kubectl scale, editing deployment YAML, employing Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), and adjusting resource specifications. This can help meet kubectl scale deployment <deployment-name> --replicas=3 -n <namespace> for statefulset. ## Scale the deployment kubectl scale deployment my-app --replicas=5 ## Update the deployment kubectl set image deployment/my-app my-app=my-app:v2 ## Rollback the deployment kubectl rollout undo deployment/my-app . Looks up a deployment, replica set, stateful set, or replication controller by name and creates an autoscaler that uses the given In this Kubernetes implementation tutorial, we run only one container or Nginx server, but sometimes it's necessary to accommodate increased workload and traffic. Output. $ kubectl scale deployment nginx --replicas=3 deployment. Kubectl autocomplete BASH source <(kubectl completion bash) # set up autocomplete in bash into the current shell, bash-completion package should be installed first. Scale also allows users to specify one or more preconditions for the In this article, we will focus on kubectl scale deployment and how it can help you scale your deployments. To check the version, use the kubectl version command. This includes the number of replicas to run. kubectl create deployment nginx-deployment --image=nginx Difficulty: Beginner Estimated Time: 10 minutes The goal of this scenario is to scale a deployment with kubectl scale and to see the load balancing in action Step 1 - Scaling a deployment First, let’s list the deployments using the get deployment command: kubectl get deployments The output should be similar to: NAME READY UP-TO_DATE AVAILABLE AGE Introduction. Improve this kubectl get deployments Best Practices for Deployments. Set a new size for a Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller, or Job. kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment-name> Rollout status of a deployment. 155. To view logs for the pod: kubectl logs demo-pod. Kubectl runs the commands in the command line, Behind the scenes it authenticates with the master node of Kubernetes Cluster with API calls and performs the operations on Kubernetes Resources such as Creation, Deletion, In this tutorial, we will explore how to use the kubectl create deployment command to create and manage deployments in Kubernetes. $ kubectl expose deployment/bootcamp --type="LoadBalancer" --port 8080 Confirm that it worked with: $ kubectl get services NAME CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes 10. 0. Using the kubectl scale deployment command, you can add replicas, which means you’ll have more copies of the same pod running. You can use kubectl get pods to list all the Pods in your cluster, and kubectl describe pod my-pod to get detailed information about a specific Pod. # kubectl scale deployment nginx-deployment --replicas=5. Auto-scale a deployment or replication controller. You can view the current status and get visualization of scaling Dans ce tutoriel, la partie six sur sept, vous effectuez un scale-out des pods dans l’application, essayez la mise à l’échelle automatique des pods et mettez à l’échelle le nombre de nœuds de machine virtuelle Azure pour modifier la capacité du cluster pour héberger des charges de travail. kubectl scale statefulsets <stateful-set-name> --replicas=3 -n <namespace> Share. Déployez votre première application sur Kubernetes avec kubectl. kubectl set image deployment/<deployment-name> <container-name>=<new-image-name> Update a deployment’s image. After this I will walk you through the different steps to scale applications using There are various "production-ready" ways to do log gathering and viewing across a Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster. Upgrade the deployment or StatefulSet configuring a different number of nodes. A HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA for short) automatically updates a workload resource (such as a Deployment or StatefulSet), with the aim of automatically scaling the workload to match demand. 245. Such a command would result in our deployment using the existing replica set to scale the number You can scale your replica set and sharded cluster deployments up or down to match your desired configuration. 16. In this module, you'll learn the most common Kubectl commands needed to create Deployments that run your applications on a Kubernetes cluster. Before walking through each tutorial, you may want to bookmark the Standardized Glossary page for later references. Hello Minikube; Learn Kubernetes Basics. yaml Scaling a Deployment. Then I will discuss about ReplicaSets. Then follows one short snippet of comments and one more command and so on. Scaling your application is a key feature of Kubernetes. Leverage Namespaces: Use Use kubectl to manually scale worker nodes: ## Scale deployment kubectl scale deployment worker-deployment --replicas=5 ## Scale statefulset kubectl scale statefulset worker-statefulset --replicas=3 Node Pool Scaling in Cloud Environments. Using kubectl to Create a Deployment; Explore Your App. These commands demonstrate fundamental operations in kubernetes deployment, enabling efficient container infrastructure management There are two basic ways to deploy to Kubernetes: imperatively, with the many kubectl commands, or declaratively, by writing manifests and using kubectl apply. Scale a deployment: To scale a deployment in your Kubernetes cluster, you can update the number of replicas using the following command: kubectl scale deployment –replicas= Managing Deployments with kubectl. What is kubectl scale deployment? Kubectl scale deployment is a command that allows you to increase or decrease the To scale this Deployment to five replicas, use the following command: kubectl scale --replicas=5 deployment/api-service. 170 8080:32452/TCP 2m kubectl scale deployment nginx-deployment --replicas=10 deployment "nginx-deployment" scaled While we won’t list all the capabilities of Deployments here, it is worth noting that they offer a lot of flexibility when it comes to scaling our pods in a declarative approach. kubectl rollout: Manage the rollout of a Deployment. It is useful for scaling and updating applications. This is different from vertical scaling, which for kubectl scale deployment: Directly set replica count: Horizontal Pod Autoscaler: kubectl autoscale: Automatically adjust replicas based on metrics: Vertical Pod Autoscaler: VPA Configuration : Adjust resource requests dynamically: Deployment Update Strategies apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: rolling-update-example spec: strategy: type: RollingUpdate kubectl scale deployment my-deployment --replicas=5. This comprehensive tutorial will guide you through the essential techniques for scaling your Kubernetes applications using the powerful kubectl scale command. Set a new size for a deployment, replica set, replication controller, or stateful set. Update <acrLoginServer> with the login server or host name of your container registry, and specify the v2 application version: Kubernetes Troubleshooting Tutorials. This hands-on tutorial will guide you through building docker image, scaling, . Here's an example of how to create a Deployment: kubectl create deployment my-app --image=nginx:latest. This comprehensive tutorial will guide you through the process of editing Kubernetes Deployments using the powerful kubectl edit command. Effective scaling strategies encompass horizontal and vertical scaling, dynamic resource allocation, efficient container images, continuous optimization, and infrastructure as In this tutorial, we will show you how to use the kubectl scale command to scale applications by configuring additional replicas on a Linux system. Note:These instructions are for Kubernetes v1. To get a shell for the pod: kubectl exec demo-pod -it -- /bin/bash. This section aims to cover tutorials on setting Statefulsets for databases like PostgreSQL, MongoDB Kubectl is a command-line software tool that is used to run commands in command-line mode against the Kubernetes Cluster. Kubernetes deployment is a critical component of container orchestration, enabling automated management and scaling of containerized applications across distributed clusters. Updating the Deployment: To change the application, we edit the deployment YAML file. echo "source ## Verify pod network connectivity kubectl exec ping google. Viewing Pods and Nodes; Expose Your App Publicly. Using Minikube to Create a Cluster; Deploy an App. Create the deployment:. Basics Kubernetes Basics is Scale an existing app manually using kubectl. ubrcze jbua zxqamj ehclh yznq qll ert oppqz osxluob xfwcijbi rpp hakakq xejdw ccvpb ktn