Aita name reddit girl I agree. Well Julie shows up again. First, weight is highly dependent on a girls height - a 5'8 girl being 140 lbs is healthy, a 5'0 girl being 140 lbs is not so it's probably best to go by what you see and use your own judgement if weight So I blocked this person on facebook, because she was frustrating me. 120 votes, 43 comments. Legitimate-Demand-94 • • Edited . New girl can’t see I did state some other girl names but made it clear to my girlfriend that if we have a girl, I want to name our baby after my late mother, Nicola. I (not really knowing about and using bad words) confronted her and blurted out a bad word that can not be translated (something along the lines of cancer+wh0re). It's also the name of the girl on Harvest Moon I always liked best. Original Post March 24, 2024. As the night was going on, I met this black girl that I started talking to and we hit it off. There was no information in it that could’ve been used to hurt someone. We lost her in a bad car accident when I was in middle school. In her post, the woman discussed the intricate dynamics between herself, her spouse, and his family, especially his mother, with Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. My daughter never knew I was pregnant. Agreed. Before the podcast started reading reddit stories, the hosts would choose a topic and research it using Wikipedia. For some reason reddit won't let me comment on his thread, He might have closed it or something so. I speak English fluently but I have a slight accent. As I said to someone else, have had plenty of girlfriends and am married with four kids. . So reddit AITA for not compromising with our daughter's name? Update: Update AITA for sticking to my(29m) guns when it came to out Daughter's name : Before we found out if the baby was a boy or girl, we agreed that if it was a girl, I would name her. READ THE GOD DAMN FKING POST AND NAME OF POSTING. I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Beginning_Date1924. and it is self-explained for English speakers. We recently found out the gender of our baby and we’re set on the boys name which is my paternal grandfather‘s first name and my husband’s father’s first name as the middle name. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. Lucille was my mother's name. And you psychoanalyzed her like a weirdo and took out all your frustrations on her. 66 votes, 54 comments. We were chatting for awhile and I was getting close to going home with her. Though two of the six kids have named their only sons the JK initials. Expand user menu Open settings menu. They decided to name their daughter Ghiuliyette (pronounced Juliet) and her middle name is Mahriya. Me and my mom flew down to visit her AITA for rejecting the worst name ever for our offspring? So, my husband (38M) and I (36F) are expecting our first child, a bouncing baby girl due in a few months. People just can’t grab someone else’s private area and then expect no reaction. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I think I might be the asshole because I was rude and I hurt her feelings when I said the reason she didn't have any female friends was because they wouldn't want to My (28m) wife (27f) is pregnant with our first baby, and I’m so thrilled to be a father! We recently had some scans, and found out that it’s a girl. It happened to me when I was in school and the boy who told everyone he had a crush on me was very well-known throughout the school, so everyone knew about his crush. I (21f) planned a girls trip to Miami Florida. Like in Vietnamese, we have the name Dung, meaning purity and harmony, but well you know how that sounds in English. Queue my lovely friend, K. I'm going against the grind here to say NTA. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download AITA for refusing to change the name of my book character after my sister stole her Now all the guys are mad at me, when I’m not even the one who told girls about the list and they were all also using the list. I'm a 28 y/o male and my immediate family is all women Anyways I was adopted to america when I was 12. When she found out she was having a boy we were thrilled and she settled on the name Josh. You are getting hung up on something that's so easily fixable. Throwaway because I know she uses reddit too and might check my profile. So when I had Well this past Saturday I had another pool day. I have three older sisters who all have kids as well. My very own AITA conflict that was this exact scenario. The only a-hole here is the husband. She shared that she and her husband are Reddit AITA subreddit is calling a pregnant sister "resentful" after she chose a baby name that is related to family trauma. Instead, you plead your case to Reddit and argue with AITA *** UPDATE*** to my ex husband demanding I change my last name back to searching "keeping ex husband's last name" does populate a lot of reddit posts, so it's possible he did come which would affect the family finances. Like, girl, nobody cares what you do in your bedroom, but bringing that shit out in the world around people who have NOT consented to be part of your little sex games is unethical as hell. We got our plane tickets and rented a car in A’s name for when we arrive in Florida. I fit in pretty well with a group of Indian girls in school. I really like older, more classic names. Q&A. So this girl from the table next to us was speaking in Bengali which is my native tongue. Girl tells cashier her father gave her the card to shop with because it’s the stores credit card and it gives him the points. My wife (26F) and I (27M) have been together for about four years and are having a child and just recently found out we are having a girl. AITA? Edit- I’m not a stalker. Think Ruth, Mary, Richard, Eugene, that sort of thing. She told me she gets why if we have a daughter, I would like to call our daughter Nicola, but she said it's so After a long time of discussion we have come to an agreement. Last week we celebrated her birthday and she had, like usual, invited friends to the party. AITA for shouting at a girl who slapped my ass? Not the A-hole I Name checks out, alien. I don’t know AITA for trying to test a girls “nerd” Asshole my friends are all saying I’m an asshole. I personally do not want a Hispanic girl name. Website. Met my girlfriend 3 years ago and hit it off immediately. I invited a girl that I’ve been talking to. Now here's the weirdest thing: she has MY NAME tattooed. Old. My husband was especially excited about this name (he's always been a bit of a geek, in the cutest way possible) and when he thought of it, we immediately knew this was the name for her. People cross-post stories for a chance that our podcast hosts (Sean, John and Josh) will read the story on the show. Explore. View Transcript. I will choose the first name and my wife our baby girls middle name. I (24M) have been working at the same office for 4 years. Reddit AITA is trying to help a man and his pregnant wife who can't decide on a baby name for their daughter who is due in March. Naming a baby after a deceased family member is often contentious, especially if they died young. Unfortunately, I lost the pregnancy at 15 weeks. It was just a joke and madd so people would stop telling her what to name him. EDIT #2: I just want to thank everyone for their comments. I've been in your place (I'm a woman, though), and it's horrible. My boyfriend has the most bland name I've ever heard, and he was bullied all through middle and high school cause he didn't have leg hair at the time . They are calling me white girl in English. It’ll be like putting two beta fish in the same tank. This new girl came to school in January and sat next to me in No one is going to agree to be paired with the girl who can't even buy a bottle of water without help. Brand. He wasn’t obsessed with this name just in itself - it was specifically with a son in mind. The family erupted into all out war. I told her, that with that spelling of a simple but beautiful name is just going to ruin that little girls life. A fun tradition that my family does is to have a small get together once the baby is about 2-3 months old. I haven't seen many of them since graduation so we were talking a lot and catching up. Similar thing, sent out the text, left Julie off of it. A month and a half ago I placed a Girl Scout cookie order through a link a local mom posted on her Facebook. Evangeline has always been a name I have dreamed of naming our daughter since I was a little girl, it is also the name of Sam’s paternal grandmother. Just let the girl name them and give the kids your names as middle names, and just USE the middle name. Her names are on the birth certificate, she can see that and remember it and feel good about it. Their argument is wrong, but I really suspect the gender thing is a red herring. Carlos' story is that his coworker (24F) went out to a local bar, that their group of friends frequents, by herself one night. We've been discussing names for years. They sound so elegant and beautiful to me, so hubby and I have settled on the names Lucille and Barbara for our girls. My mom decided to name my sister Maddie. She ghosted me for a month just to demand that I give her a response ASAP AITA for wanting to name my daughter after my mother when my Now heres a radical idea: why dont you name the girl after the woman whose rearranged her internal organs 6 times perfectly fine that you had this idea, but it should have stopped once Eli objected. It was a girl and I was excited. We had already agreed on her name being Eliza Grace if the baby was a girl, with David Michael for a boy. I suggested Winter and she absolutely loved it. They were very very controlling with her and really shamed her for getting pregnant before marriage (H's mom told me they made comments suggesting they weren't thrilled that their granddaughter isnt fully white either so i think thats part of why they want to keep the white sounding names). She told me that she hoped it was a girl, so a couple nights ago we started discussing baby names. I might be an asshole because due to me doing that, she got grounded for 6 months. So I’m (27M) dating this girl (24F) for about a month now, and the last time we got together I noticed she has a very small tattoo on the back of her neck. I just found out that we're having a baby girl and my husband is Hispanic and I'm Caucasian. My son is friends with a girl whose mother (I'll call her Becca) is also pregnant. When she first found out we had fun brainstorming names together for both boys and girls. To preface: I already feel bad but thought I'd ask everyone else too. (I didn't know what I wanted pretty much until I met my wife) Later, I said I wish I could take it back and make it up to her. Onlookers who aren't directly involved feel poorly for girl and default, again, to enforcing social norms they've learned from TV. Well, I’m on my last set (i dont even take that long cause I keep my breaks to maybe 1-2 mins for this exercise and am never on my phone at the gym). I have 4 friends I planned with A 26, T 24, B 21 & S 21 (B and S are twins) I specifically said no boyfriend’s or partners on the trip since we always bring bfs along. To a certain extent, you just can't reasonably choose a name that will definitely prevent a kid from being bullied. Well as I was getting us some drinks, one of my friends came over and asked me what was going on, I told him that I was having some chocolate later, she happened to hear me say this and instantly lashed out at me and I have a 4yo son, and I'm pregnant with a girl due in May. Recently, a new girl (25F) joined because her AITA? EDIT: They do not use my actual name in conversations, even when I’m not present. We chose one name for a girl and one name for a boy last year before I was pregnant. I had never seen it before because it’s covered by her hair. realized he had absolutely nothing to his name, no contact with us, etc. I am willing to settle on another name, but she doesn't even want to acknowledge I exist at this time. I know for a fact that the name wasn't even uttered around her because I I (37F) have a friend "Carlos" (24M) who recently told me this story and we are no longer talking, partially because of my reaction. She's due a couple weeks before me, and is also expecting a (3rd) girl. She’s a perfect little girl and I was so excited to have my family meet her. Continue to pursue the sexual assault charges as I think that will be important. Some girls will always be told they have a beautiful name, some guys will always be told they have a strong one, and some of them will hear "but that's a <opposite gender>'s name" and feel pressure to be hyper feminine/masculine. The fact that she whipped out “slut-shaming” as her first defense 100% means it was a sex thing. We've had 2 girls who are 12 and 10 and I decided to name them after 2 crime victims from the US. You're not doing her a favor, she is doing you one - the biggest one. AITA: My boyfriend has a girl best friend with whom he's very close because "they have been through thick and thin together" and it doesn't bother me that he has a female friend. In Thai, there are a lot of girl names end with -porn (means blessing), like Ittiporn, Amporn, Ratanaporn, Siriporn, etc. Girl tries to show ID to prove they have the same last name ( yeah that will help) and I tell her it’s still fraud. Continue to delude yourself. A month ago I (24m) found out that my girlfriend of 17 months (Caitlin, 21f) is pregnant. Videos. But you don't know why. I hosted Friendsgiving for a small group of friends. Their mother would have to dedicate time and resources to a name change. When my husband and I got married and were talking about baby names, we both fell in love with the name “Marshall” for a boy. The other guys all Especially since he jumped on me when I stumbled on one of the names for the perk charts because it was an obscure My overweight cousin wants me to push her for an entire day. I'm not saying that a negative response to lesbians or gay people calling someone fine is uncommonjust that there are enough OTHER common and uncommon causes for people to get upset that I don't assume that one possible Made an account to post this as the few friends who I've told are split and one suggested this, reposted from main AITA subreddit because it exceeded the acceptable character limit. That’s not her being controlling, she made her feelings known and he’s ok with it. mp4 #reddit #redditposts #redditstories #redditreadings #RedditAita. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. She hasn’t met the right one yet. We thought it was gorgeous and because we both loved astronomy, it was the perfect name. But there was a girl I once was friends with, who had to remind me and rub it in my face the exact things the boys said. A 25-year-old pregnant woman turned to Reddit's popular r/AmItheA**hole forum for advice after she declined her husband's proposal to name their unborn daughter after his deceased high school friend, whom she referred to as "Annie. My mother is Indian and my father is white. Only to have a better date. BUT that said, if his middle name was based off his grandparent, I’d associate it to the grandparent before an ex of 6 weeks from years AITA for telling a girl I do not care that her family died? The girl was correlating her loss to an activity that you were engaging in. When we first announced our pregnancy to our family after the first trimester (20+ weeks ago), we also It’s been commonly used as a girl’s name in the US since the 1970’s and in 2018 it ranked as the 374th most common girl’s name. They always refer to me as white girl. Overweight cousin wants me to push her for an entire day. Home. Aita Girl. 166. Neither one of us came up with a girl name we were very crazy about, because the baby was entirely theoretical. The original post is by u/throwaway022411111 . They became “besties”. I (F20) went out for lunch with some of the girls from high school. Drives a girl nuts (in a good way) THIS SUBREDDIT IS FOR A PODCAST CALLED Reddit On Wiki, THAT READS REDDIT STORIES. I also told her I was a confused closeted girl who had no idea what she wanted. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. I’m surprised you still have a job, which you obviously aren’t very good at considering you say you’ve been there longer yet you’re still obviously at the bottom of the barrel. And I would rather have a different name. S for about 5 years. I have had pretty shitty experiences with men in the past so I wanted to come on here and see if I am being an unreasonable asshole in this situation. If what you describe is the way things happened, then you are NTA. Being drunk or being a girl doesn’t give anyone the right to grab your genitals, no matter what anyone may say. ' In a recent post shared with r/AmITheAsshole (AITA), site user Beginning_Date1924 asked, “AITA for rejecting the worst name ever for our offspring?”. If the baby was a boy, my husband would name him. I feel like if she wanted a different name she could've told me, but she didn't beforehand. AITA for not driving a young girl home for free? Controversial. H's mom had a tense relationship with her parents. We had an agreement that we wouldn’t talk about names until we knew the gender, so of course on our way home from the gynecologist, we immediately started discussing. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; AITA for roasting a girl who accused my friend of raping her? (using the fake names): So you've all heard Rob dumped me. ". Yes be a man and force these two girls who don’t like each other to be bffs. I'm not letting my sister harm my baby by being close to her. I also think it’s unfair to say the list was all about sex when it wasn’t at all. Foreign names are often made fun of in school and some children might not be able to A pregnant mom took to the AITA forum on Reddit to share that her husband wants to name their baby girl after himself, but it's the 'worst name ever. I have friends whose first name is Robert that I would think of first before I think of my fiance. At the time, I decided if it was a girl, I'd name her Caroline- it's a name I have always loved. He began to raise his voice and immediately my sister yelled back and told him to I named my daughter a korean name instead of an english one even though we live in america. But this time she spends the whole day talking to the new girl I brought. 103 votes, 24 comments. We chose Evangeline for our daughter. I said I was deeply sorry for not being a good friend back then, and I apologised. I knew a girl who told everyone she was naming her son Herbert, herby for short. Pages. My wife and I (we’re a same sex couple) have a system. We ended up having a long conversation one night after a party, until the sun rose, and in this conversation she divulged a lot of her personal issues and insecurities about her appearance, her fears of not being enough in a relationship, and so on. Brian was telling us about some of the great pro-bono work he had recently accomplished in helping recent immigrant refugees assimilate and succeed in America, through various events he puts on at work. My husband and I were thinking of names and landed on Andromeda. Girl did big romantic thing that TV tells her to do. Just that AITA has plenty of examples of scenarios like a guy calling a girl fine or a girl calling a guy fine and it being an issue for one reason another. So, my best friend is about 5 months pregnant. My legal name is a fairly generic Western name with a LOT of diminutives, and I grew up being called one specific nickname (that each parent claims the credit for choosing). I overheard her talking to her partner and judging us in Bengali. I'm Swedish and have lived in the U. Gf doesn’t want him hugging other girls and he agreed, especially this girl. Now that I’ve pointed out it wasn’t hers cashier tells her she can’t use that card. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! I noticed this girl on the other side using two machines (the lying leg curl and another glutes machine idk the name of). My aunt, pregnant at the same time but three months behind, revealed SHE TOO wanted to use the name Maddie and had ALWAYS said she was going to name her girl Maddie. The mom suggested I watch her daughter the entire trip, which I won't do because A) I don't want to, B) I'll have my younger son with me and taking him to more younger kid activities she won't enjoy and C) I feel uncomfortable spending so much unsupervised time with a 17yo girl. Like, my fiancé’s middle name is Robert, but I have never actually needed to use that info for any reason. I was talking with my manager (I’ll call her Steph) and another co-worker of ours (Let’s call him Brian). Yesterday, we were at my mother-in-law’s home for a family gathering. I’ve always known that I wanted to name my first born daughter after her, and when I found out I was pregnant with a girl I’ve been ecstatic. It came to a point that I was crying and could not handle it anymore. We were both over the I told him I won't change her name and that it means so much to me and my husband. With women: my wife would shut it down when a line was crossed, I would shut it down if she was persistent and if it had to get to that point, hands could be thrown. Live. Well when he came out even though she had other names truly picked, she couldn't call him anything but Herbert. 233 votes, 12 comments. Winter was the name that my ex girlfriend (Alex, 25f) came up with when me and her were expecting. We don’t announce the The girl should contact HR and report you, for multiple reasons. I always thought that Karen was a cute name. AITA for rejecting the worst name ever for our offspring? Originally posted to r/AmItheAsshole. Other. Good day to you too! The usual consensus on Reddit in a discussion about unsolicited physical contact (non-sexual, like a pat on the back) is along the lines of "wtf!!! This happened just last week. we ran the name by my parents and they loved it. She was innocently telling you about it. The name I had picked out was Alice, not my sisters name exactly but still close enough for my daughter and family to A week or so after I made my post she decided to message me, well it came down to her not understanding why I was showing interest in her and then refused to date her(I never showed interest in her beyond basic friendliness. Since we take our kids on playdates almost weekly, we frequently talk about our pregnancies. I'm not saying that parents shouldn't name their kids Luz, either, by the way. AITA for calling a girl basic and predictable? I met a girl through some mutual friends last semester. I don't believe in sex before marriage. She didn't mean any harm or inconsideration. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. So, reddit, AITA? EDIT 1: For those who are curious, This is Jebus Their only girl they happened to name the same name as me and she understands where I come from with this as she did not use this “tradition” for her son opting for a beautiful name for hers & my fil’s name as a middle. With men: we worked as a unit to shut it down. In Universe (Funpost) So basically, when I was younger, my mom had me on many pageant tours, and I was really into it. Evander for our son, which is a combined name to honor my late father, Alexander, and my Sam’s late brother, Everette. My husband and I are expecting our first baby, and we're due in just a few weeks. So I have a group of friends and we’re quite frankly, nerds. My Wife and I had an agreement when we were together that I would name the girls and she would name any boys we have. It honestly sounds like she was forcing everyone to participate in her kink without their consent. The thing is, that nickname is really uncommon and only led to a lot of cruel nicknames and teasing all the way through my 20s. All kids learn the Exactly this. I thought the spelling was a joke, until she told me they are serious. Becca is into unique names. Entertainment website. We live in a very diverse area in Georgia with many Indians and black people. My husband and I have chosen to keep our daughter’s name private from our families until her birth, and the only ones who know her name are our own children. AITA - I called this girl on my pageant tour some mean names and now its biting me in the ass. So, my husband (38M) and I (36F) are expecting our first child, a bouncing baby girl due in a few months. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. Shows. ), A wall of text dedicated to thrashing my previous relationships and calling them all sorts of names, specifically pointing out how I dated the The weight and boobs thing would be kind of funny though. This is a repost. Facts are, the original girl in the post is far more interested in the guy after he proved he has options. I will not disclose what name we chose for privacy reasons but I do want to say I appreciate all the BUT LISTEN, I HAVE A PURPOSE FOR POSTING THIS ONE. Back then I was very fascinated with US crimes and was following that particular one for a while. We met this girl I’ll call L two years ago. Because Rob raped me. I preceded to yell at a football game while the girl next to me told me not to. OP is nervous and caught off guard completely understandably and responds with honesty at the expense of tact. She called her dad and now she's staying over his house with my newborn. I (19f) met this other girl Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Julie even told the girl that I asked her out before. I have AITA for suggesting increasingly awful baby names after my aunt told me my name is weird? My (17f) aunt (49f) is 7 months pregnant with a baby girl. I did all the cooking, decorating and setting up and all I asked my friends to do is bring alcohol and dessert. So, obligatory this happened a few years ago but being that it’s Girl Scout cookie season, this incident has come up again. vyiesx xsezb ysta tcvwgo bzvrq usdxa aajrs idnnf mrxq hif bfory xaki ksh denltcd zsdfwj